Sunday, April 11, 2010


Well, I survived the weekend....barely. Isabelle's friends and family birthday party was this weekend and I swear no matter how much I get done before hand, it is always chaotic. We had a bushel of oysters, 8.5 lbs of shrimp and hot dogs. The good thing about chaos is you tend to forget about other things aka my tumor (Lloyd) A test that was done at my last doctors appointment was where I had to march in place for 60 seconds with my eyes closed, the results I move forward slightly and to the right 45 degrees. I have asked friends and family to do the test just to see what some normal results are, and I can honestly say, I still don't know what normal results are. Maybe I don't have normal family and friends, although I didn't need a balance test to confirm that. My mom marched about 4 feet forward and to the right about 15 degrees, Jeff turned to the right slightly, and my friend Shellie... well she is always out of whack! (Love ya Shellie) Any time I have talked to someone about my tumor and described my symptoms, it seems like everyone has all my symptoms too, maybe this tumor things is an epidemic. I am kidding, my symptoms are actually pretty common individually but as a whole can be bad. I completed my last two assignments tonight for my final college class and will take my last final exam tomorrow, then I am DONE! Miami bound in 16 days! With as long as I have gone to school I should have my doctorate degree, but I am equally happy with my dual major in Business Management and Finance. Isabelle will turn 5 this Tuesday, where did my baby girl go? She is becoming quite the young lady. Today, would be the day they induced me and my 30 hours of labor started. I love you Isabelle, well worth every hour.

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